Private Limited Company Registration in kochi

The Private limited company registration in kochi is significant since it has the unlimited liability. The personal asset of the members in the company can have the attachment and can be sold when the company decides to wind up. Also the company is limited by guarantee. It means that they are limited to the amount of money that they guarantee to pay in case the company is about to wind–up.

In terms of the number of members the private company can also act as one-person company. And at some situations the OPC has to be converted into private limited company.

Private limited company Registration
Private limited company Registration
Private limited company Registration

Features of Pvt Ltd Company

  • Separate identity

    A private limited company is examined as a separate legal entity. This private limited company has own identity and acknowledged as a separate company under law.

  • Limited Liability

    The private limited company has the greatest benefit of its limited liability. The liabilities are limited to their shares only. This company feature protects the income of shareholders and personal assets at times of any financial critical points faced by the company.

  • Tax Advantages

    The private limited companies can pay tax on taxable profits and they are exceptedfrom high personal income tax rates.

  • Members and shareholders

    Only two shareholders and two members are need to incorporate a private limited company. This gives many Entrepreneurs as a chance to set up their new own company.

  • Flexible Connections

    A person can act as a shareholder, a director and an employee at the same time, when private limited company is taken into examinations. They are considered as valid too. Solubilis Corporate Services LLP is the Leading Professional firm assist you in registering Company. We register a private limited company registration within 12 working days.

  • Share Transfer

    transferring of shares is not as easy when compared with public companies.

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